Serving patients in Baltimore & the DMV area | Give us a call today: 410-941-9512
Let us guess - you went to the doctor and were told "you have a two finger separation" and that's it! What does that mean? What is two fingers? Will it ever go back? Is it safe to exercise?
All excellent questions and all of these are questions we hear daily when working with our patients after their pregnancy. Let us take the guesswork out of it for you.
We will perform a diastasis recti (or abdominal separation) screening, explain exactly what we find, where it is, and why it is important. We will also explain why you should pay attention to coning or doming, and how coning/doming isn't always a bad thing.
Once we know what is doing on with your abdominals we will design a targeted strength program to ensure you feel strong, confident, and safe in your body as you navigate this postpartum period. We want to make sure you can still lift heavy (because that kiddo will grow faster than we want to admit), do push ups, planks, or burpees (or not!), and have the body awareness to know when to push yourself and when to back off as you incorporate activity back into your life.
Whether its running, jogging, a fitness class, or a stroller walk through the park - once you get that 6-week clearance from the doctors it seems like anything is possible... or at least that is what they tell you. So, how do you know if you are ready to return to any of these activities?
Let us take you through a thorough orthopedic and pelvic floor assessment to ensure your have the strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, load transfer, and any other components needed to get you back to the things you love!
We will provide you with a customized routine and hands-on treatment to address any areas of concern as you return to your prior workout routine (or establish a new one).
I am so thankful that I decided to see Dr. Joy after my second pregnancy... Working with her helped improve many aspects of my life, and I feel stronger and healthier from the time I spent with her.
Dr. Marlena was the first doctor who HEARD me postpartum... and she helped me finally heal.
Dr. Joy is absolutely amazing- really talked me off the ledge when I had prolapse after my second child. I went from feeling it like a bulge and being so depressed over it, to not feeling it everyday and starting to feel life is back to normal.
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